
8:05 AM- The interior was renovated in 1999.
8:05 AM- Had to vaccum this week.
8:05 AM- When children come, they hang out at the table.
8:05 AM- Where's Bobby with those extra shovels?
8:05 AM- Mike realized the heat wasn't turned up. By now it was warming up in this room.
8:06 AM- Time to check the fire. Maybe I'll add some more wood.
8:06 AM- Looks pretty good. Placed the drier wood (I brought in last week) on the top.
8:23 AM- Bobby arrived with a 2 snow shovels. This wasn't much snow. If we had 18" +, I would've been crying the entire time I'd be shoveling.
8:24 AM- It looks like 5 to 6".
8:24 AM- I started by the Handicapped parking spot.
8:25 AM- It is cold.
8:36 AM- Steve arrived a came in relief.
8:36 AM- Mike brought a Newcomer and they're helping Bobby out.
8:36 AM- The ground was pretty cold. Normally shoveling an untouched area you can clear off all the snow. Not today.